Game with over 4000 Achievements Available on Steam

running through russia

I hate the Xbox 360. Actually, that’s unfair. I should explain.

Way back in the year 20 aught 5, Microsoft the successor to their Xbox; the Xbox 360. With it, they launched a system tied to your account that kept track of your accomplishments. The concept itself was not new; Activision gave away patches to players who recorded and sent in their high scores as far back as the early 80’s.

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But having it unified in such a manner was. Naturally, Microsoft wanted developers to use the system; that’s where the problem began. It’s one thing when an achievement is tied to a difficult in game feat, or finding something hidden; it’s another thing entirely when the developers get lazy in the implementation.

Some had achievements for literally starting the game. This led to a period of achievement-based pissing matches, fueled by rentals of crappy shovelware that most adults weren’t likely to play otherwise.

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Needless to say, you may well be able to guess my thoughts on the matter; and what it did to my hobby for several years. What I’m trying to say is that achievements in that period were akin to fidget spinners for games. They were both obnoxious and omnipresent.

xbox kid ad closeup

Now why did I go on that long, rambling tangent of a preamble? Well, a game recently launched on Steam for a dollar. It has over four thousand achievements.

Naturally, the game is widely considered shit. Running Through Russia is an endless runner about collecting vodka for the alcoholic player character while dodging ushanka clad bears.

I’d argue that for half the price, you could find better games. Guaranteed when there’s a sale on. But you just won’t get those mad achievements that way.

~The great thing about GAMbIT isn’t writing the articles, it’s showing everyone online that I did.~

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