Gal*Gun 2 is a game. Okay, so there’s a bit more to it than that but it’s hard to see how something as bare-bones as this exists outside of a free game online. A lot of people call Gal*Gun 2 an FPS of the relaxing variety, but it’s hard to see how the idea of shooting young girls in order to see their undies as high art. It’s also the sort of game that is almost impossible to take a screenshot of for fear of others in the office of finding your screenshot folder.
In reality Gal*Gun 2 is a perverted shooter where you shoot sometimes possessed schoolgirls with your magic pheromone gun. If any of those things made you uncomfortable –and they probably should—then this is not the sort of game to spend $60 on. What you get for your trouble is a pretty basic rail-shooter that doesn’t offer much outside peeking at panties.

But even saying it’s a rail-shooter is a stretch. Gal*Gun 2 is difficult to classify not because it weird, but because it doesn’t do much of anything outside the girl thing. You simply shoot schoolgirls in hopes of seeing their unmentionables and then move to a new location when the game dictates it’s time to repeat it all over again ad nasuem.
You simply stand and shoot and use the alt-fire on your gun to suck up demons as they pop up. This alt-fire vacuum also makes the panty-peeking much easier. That’s about the entirety of what Gal*Gun 2 offers up to the player in this form. I’ve never played the original game, so I can only imagine it to being quite the bore is this is the sequel.

Looking into the matter it seems that this game is simply a port of the VR version of the game without the features that would have added something “unique” to the experience. this makes sense as Gal*Gun 2 gets incredibly boring incredibly fast. The anime girls are pretty, and the idea at sneaking a peak is one that many will find… stimulating, but it simply can’t prop up the lackluster gaming experience.
The story is thrown together in a very haphazard way. There’s a lot going on with demons and angels and panties, but the extended cutscenes the game throws your game just bog down the experience. I suppose this makes sense as I don’t think people are coming into Gal*Gun 2 looking for a BAFTA award-winning story.

There simply isn’t any sort of challenge in the main portion of the game to make you want to keep playing. Each mission feels like a chore and the only fun comes from the boss battles that just manage to turn Gal*Gun 2 into, well, a game. Outside of the main story you can play several side missions where you do the same thing as the main mission in the same locations.
On occasion you’ll be asked with protecting a girl instead of trying to look up their skirt, but the mechanics in these are the same. The only real point of the side mission is to get the numbers of the girl that needs your help, so you can rendezvous with them later. And by rendezvous, I mean you call them to a secluded play and can have free control of the camera to do your panty-peeking until you have your fill or they call you out for being a perv. And yes, it feels as weird as it sounds.

I’m not against these sort of sexy anime games being released, but I am against them forgetting that there should be a competent game there. I’ve played a few lewd games that I quite enjoyed thanks to being competent experiences, but Gal*Gun 2 isn’t one of those titles. It really does seem that this title is just trying to take the money from all those sad boi’s that dream of situations like these.
Graphically the game looks cute but isn’t really pushing the visuals in any way. The HD ladies look very anime, but the little details get pretty pixelated at times. Gal*Gun 2 feels like one of those old PS2 games that gets the remaster treatment and nothing more. The game is all about teasing with its visual style and since the studio seems to know its audience you can play the game with one hand.

If you are looking for a good gaming experience this on isn’t for you. Gal*Gun 2 just feels like a sleazy cash-grab in a lot of aspects. The idea of a lewd rail-shooter does have the potential for fun, it just isn’t executed here in the slightest. Add in the unskippable cutscenes, predictable enemy patterns, and a weak story you aren’t left with much. And if you’re going to risk getting placed on some list someplace for playing a video game the game in question should at least be a good one.
All that said I still did find some of the characters, especially your neighbor to be super cute and charming, but a lot of this is from them reminding me of someone in my life instead of being well-written in any way. There are lots of littles extra like dressing up the girls, but it only makes screen-shots all the harder (pun slightly intended).
$60 is asking a lot for a game like Gal*Gun 2 and it never comes close to being worth the asking price. If you really want to see lewd anime girls just copy and paste that into your favorite search engine.
Final Score:
*A copy was provided for review*