Gal*Gun 2 is headed to PS4 and Nintendo Switch this April

The Dark Souls of anime shooters; if by Dark Souls you mean seeing lots of undies from anime girls…

Gal*Gun 2, the long-awaited sequel to gaming’s most “feel-good” first-person shooter, arrives on both PS4 and Nintendo Switch on April 24th in North America, and April 13th in Europe. And to celebrate this mega moe announcement, PQube and INTI Creates have lifted the hem on a new gameplay trailer to “bare” some of the hijinks players will be getting up to next month.

Gal*Gun 2 ups the action of its predecessor by hurling players into situations even more outrageous than before. When a crazy demon menace is unleashed on the Academy, you must bravely step forward to put an end to the mischief.

But you’ve never experienced anything like what Gal*Gun 2 has to offer: New girls, new gadgets, new modes and an improved Doki Doki Mode all combine to make it the ultimate kawaii experience of the year for both returning Gal*Gun veterans and newcomers alike. This all means more panties and such, or at least that what I’m reading from it.

This is one title you may want to use cash to purchase. Just saying.

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