Furi DLC ‘ One More Fight’ unleashes on PS4 and Steam today

One more fight is the perfect name for the Furi DLC. Odds are if you are a fan of the game you said that more than a few times while playing.

One More Fight will have players stand up one last time for their freedom in an intense fight against The Flame, a revengeful opponent that will challenge their skills and test their wit to the extremes.

The pack features a new fight against a boss designed by Takashi Okazaki, in a new arena, with music by Scattle. The DLC content is playable in Furi and Furier difficulty modes. The Game Bakers have been teasing about some extra content without revealing more.

The DLC is priced $3.99

And for PS4 players, a patch today brings features required by players like the alternate control scheme and several fixes and improvements.

Furi will also be discounted for the occasion, -30% on Steam and for PlayStation Plus subscribers, and -20% for PlayStation players in North America.

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