Full Trailer for The Gifted Drops

The full trailer for Brian Singer’s X-Men based series The Gifted recently dropped. The series, which stars Stephen Moyer (Reed Strucker) and Amy Acker (Kate Strucker) seems set to revolve around a heady mix family and political drama. But, most importantly, it’ll involve some of the lesser exposed mutants from the comics.

Reed’s job revolves around putting mutants behind bars. Things change for him and his family when he finds out that his children both have the X-Gene. This sendsthe Strucker family on the run from Reed’s former coworkers. Along the way, they’ll have to rely on other mutants,many of whom are not likely going to give Reed a warm reception.

No word yet on when the show will launch, though it will probably be released some time late this year. Personal opinion, if they manage to somehow work in Deadpool (which may well be next to impossible considering the tone of the series), they will have managed a holy grail as far as shared universes go.

That trailer so Pringles, where yo curleh mustache at?!


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