Full MST3K Cast To Reunite

MST3k reunion

The A.V. Club is reporting that the dream of many a b-move lover is coming to pass very soon. Joel Hodgson and Michael J. Nelson are coming together on stage along with the rest of the principal cast of Mystery Science Theater 3000 for a reunion special.

The cast includes Kevin Murphy, Bill Corbett, Trace Beaulieu, Frank Conniff, Mary Jo Pehl, and Bridget Nelson. It will also feature the shows newest guinea pig, er, test subject, Jonah Ray.

The event is dubbed, “RiffTrax Live: MST3K Reunion Show” and was made possible via a Kickstarter run by Mike Nelson. The date of the show is scheduled for June 28th in Minneapolis, the home of MST3k.

Fans will be able to see the event in theaters via Rifftrax live events for the ultimate bad movie experience. The gang will be tackling a few shorts “A Case Of Spring Fever” and “What To Do On a Date,” but the main film has yet to be announced.

Nelson spoke on the project saying, “I couldn’t be more excited to get the whole MST3K principal cast together again after all this time. I just wish I told them in advance that in addition to riffing we’d be doing a Cirque du Soleil-style second act.”

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“RiffTrax Live: MST3K Reunion Show” will be broadcast live by Fathom Events on June 28 at 8 PM ET/7 PM CT . Tickets go on sale April 15 here.

Via: (TheAVClub)

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