FOX To Broadcast NASCAR Drivers Racing Each Other Online In NASCAR iRACING Series

2019: eSports are now the only sport

2020: eSports are now the only sport

This whole coronavirus thing has turned the world upside down. Sports have been canceled, the school has been canceled, and everyone is stuck inside trying to make do or learning how to work Zoom and other such technologies with the help of their kids.

But while all sports leagues are closed for the season online sports leagues are thriving, and now those real sports leagues are taking note. NASCAR is one such league that just hosted their first virtual NASCAR race over the weekend and fans really turned out to support.

This has led Fox to move forward with a whole season of online racing that fans can enjoy watching from home. The funny thing is that it works pretty well, at least the test race they ran. The announcing was on point, the driving was good, if a little wild, and fans got the chance to interact with each other through chat in a way they never could before.

It’s a lot of fun and did help to pass the time while at home. FOX is calling this news racing series the NASCAR iRACING Series and features current drivers from the NASCAR CUP SERIES, NASCAR XFINITY SERIES, NASCAR GANDER RV and OUTDOORS TRUCK SERIES. On top of that, it will also feature some NASCAR legends alongside them such as Dale Earnhardt, Jr. and Bobby Labonte.

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