Fox is re-releasing X-Men: Days of Future Past, this time with more Rogue

Remember Anna Paquin’s cameo at the end of X-Men: Days of Future Past (our original review)? Well, originally Paquin, as Rogue, was in a lot more of DOFP, she was just edited out for time. Fox is looking to remedy that, because they feel bad about Paquin’s legendary contribution to the series hahaha kidding they want more money.

From IndieWire:

As we know, a longer version of “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” is coming this year — known as the “Rogue Cut” — which will reportedly feature at least ten minutes of new footage, including more of, you guessed it, Anna Paquin‘s mutant in scenes excised from the theatrical release. But this won’t just be a re-release of ‘DOFP’ on home video.

Fox exec James Finn, via his Twitter, also assured fans that the Rogue Cut is more than just an extended version; he called it a “distinct film” with “distinct extras” that will be “Complimentary to DOFP Blu-ray but not repetitive.”

Uproxx has more about Rogue’s expanded role in the new cut:

The Rogue plotline that was cut involves Magneto and Iceman rescuing her from a mutant concentration camp to take over for a stabbed Kitty Pryde keeping Logan’s brain in the past.

No word yet on an exact release date, but we’ll keep you updated. Keep your eyes peeled for our unnecessary, click-baiting review.

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