Fox Developing Simpsons Movie Sequel, Live-Action Hybrid Family Guy Film


Have no fear, they’ve got stories for years.

Fox still has a few more animated films on its plate. Reportedly, a Simpsons Movie sequel, a Bob’s Burgers movie, and a live-action hybrid Family Guy movie. i don’t know why live-action hybrid films are turning into a thing right now, but they are.

Per the Wall Street Journal:

[Fox Chief Executive Stacey Snider has] emphasized a revamp of Fox’s approach to animation, bringing in a new partner to replace an expired deal with DreamWorks Animation after it was acquired by Comcast Corp.

The film studio is partnering with the Fox Television studio on a big-screen adaptation of the animated series “Bob’s Burgers,” a second “Simpsons” movie in development and a “Family Guy” film that would mix animation with live action, said people with knowledge of the projects.

I’m guessing that, with this announcement, that Real Life Peter Griffin guy’s on the edge of his seat, hand on the phone.

Also, when was the last season of The Simpsons that was more good than bad?

Source: IGN

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