Fortnite Patch Brings Superheroes and LeBron James

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Fortnite just had an update; Patch 4.3, to be exact. And Epic has most of the details, here. But that’s not where this thread ends.

Most of these patches tend to have more in them than is strictly stated. Content that Epic can dole out over a couple of weeks, say. And that is the sort of thing that the inclined can datamine. Which is the case here.

Thanks to Twitter user @TwoEpicBuddies, who did just that, you can see what the patch has in store for us. Notably, two Superhero skins (Flytrap and Ventura) and two skins based, seemingly, on LeBron James (Jumpshot and Triple Threat). All told, there are 9 skins, 4 backblings, 3 new pickaxes, 4 gliders (matching the skins), and 6 new emotes. Take a gander at them in the galleries below.

Images from, Epic games

Source: VG 24/7

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