Fortnite Gets New Playground Mode


Features include friendly fire and respawns.

As Fortnite has continued to grow in popularity, so too has it grown as a game. Literally, in this case. Because Epic Games is adding a Playground mode to the game.

Fortnite‘s State of Development Post v5 gives the nitty gritty on the new mode. Playground is a Limited Time Mode with a few different features on tap. The mode drops you into the Battle Royale map with an extended period of time to explore, with all the items and ammo drops and increased resources. I’d imagine the point is slightly less trying practice, since you can go in with a group and friendly fire is enabled. And, naturally, there is a quick respawn.

The Playground LTM will load you into the Battle Royale Map with some adjusted settings.

Battle and build to your heart’s content with an extended period of time to roam around the map as well as increased resource generation. All treasure chests and ammo crates will be spawned, try droppin’ in different spots and scope out the loot. Friendly fire is on so you can scrimmage with your squad (up to 4 friends per match), but fear not you’ll respawn immediately.

Oh … and Lloads of Llamas.

Note: Stats and Challenges will not be tracked in this mode

The post also has more on the other Limited Time Modes, as well as the usual items and quality of life updates and such. Still, who doesn’t love a bit of Playground time?

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Source: Gamespot

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