Fortnite Busted For Selling Old Dog As New Dog

Fortnite “probably” makes its money by getting kids to “borrow” their parent’s credit cards to buy cosmetics so they don’t get beat up on the playground. Epic has gotten into the act of selling wearable pets for a cool 1000 V-bucks.

The latest pet is Gunner, a cute looking dog that fits in a little backpack that clearly isn’t big enough to hold him or protect him from the terrible hit-detection the game uses. But people online have noted something interesting about Gunner; mostly that he looks like Bonesy.

Bonesy, for those of you who aren’t nine-years-old, was released back in season 6. Photos of the pets side-by-side make it clear that Gunner was thrown together because an artist was about to miss a deadline after spending all that Fortnite money of hookers and blow.

Differences include different colored eyes and some sort of logo on his green bandana. I’m not kidding about someone submitting this design an hour before a deadline so they don’t get in trouble.

Epic has since realized that this was a dick move, even for them, and refunded everyone that purchased Gunner because, you know, kids will buy anything their friends also buy.

The Epic team has released a statement to the folks at Kotaku where they apologize for the overt laziness:

We should not have released the Gunner Pet and apologize for doing so.

Within the next couple of days, all purchases of Gunner will be refunded for the full amount of 1000 V-bucks as well as an additional 200 V-bucks and the Pet will be removed from the Locker.

Anyone who purchased Gunner and refunds it prior to this make-good will instead receive 200 V-bucks and an additional refund token that can be put towards any eligible items that were purchased within the past 30 days.

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