Fortnite Accidentally Includes a Swastika


Unlike in The Producers, it’s not intentional.

If, like a group of gamers who discovered this, you happened to be building a metal floor in Fortnite, you might have noticed something. Specifically, where the corners of the tiles meet. A completely accidental, but notably distinct, swastika. According to EuBestCityEu on Reddit:

We were making a dance floor in tilted when one of my teammates noticed this.

The thread was initially derailed by those citing it as fake for any number of reasons. It wasn’t until the issue was confirmed by a representative from Epic itself that reality sank in. As DanDaDaDanDan puts it in his response:

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This was unintended and will be addressed ASAP by adjusting the metal piece art!

The swastika fix is coming, but not this week. The current patch is already set, after all. But I imagine it’s definitely making the next one. And, thanks to Epic, we know it should look like this:

Epic Games

Stop laughing and play your PUBG, Miles.

Source: PC Gamer

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