Fortnite: A Rising Cause Of Divorce


I mean, how could it not be when this is a thing?

What has a bunch of 12-year-olds obsessed with it and has been cited in over 200 divorce proceedings? If you guessed Fortnite, you’re right!

Per The Daily Dot, the game has become a nexus of divorces. Specifically, 200 in the U.K. alone. To be fair, this number does come from a press release for Divorce Online, a service whose raison d’etre should likely be obvious. That said, such a number accounts for 5% of all divorces in the U.K. So, you know, nothing to sneeze at.

And it makes me wonder. Who has a higher chance of dying alone: Fortnite players, or PUBG players? The world may have to wait about 30 years to find out.

Source: AV Club

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