Former EA Sports Boss Considers Fortnite Competition To Football


It’s not in the game.

Former EA Sports boss and current Liverpool Football Club chairman Peter Moore is a bit worried. Mostly about the fact that millennials are playing those darned vidja games instead of watching football. Specifically, they’re playing Fortnite; Which, as we all know, fundamentally keeps you from sitting still.

“90 minutes is a long time for a millennial male to sit down on a couch,” Moore told the Arabian Business magazine. “When I look at viewing and attendance figures of millennial males, I’m concerned as a chief executive of a football club that relies on the next generation of fans coming through.

“If we don’t build technological prowess as a club we will lose them. There’s so much pressure on time now and only 24 hours in a day… there are only so many hours to play Fortnite.”

Peter Moore, via SportsPro

It all sounds a bit hypocritical, though; Moore spent years at companies such as Sega, Microsoft and, most notably, EA Sports. He should, after all, know that people as a general rule have no problem sitting for 90 minutes to enjoy something they like or love. That all said, he’s clearly worried about people that otherwise enjoy the sport, and are being lured away by other things.

We are an industry that needs to harness technology to make sure we don’t miss an entire generation of young people growing up that don’t have that love for football. We need to package content in bites of 60 to 90 seconds to keep their engagement.

Peter Moore

To that end, the club is working with IBM to bring their website to a point where it can deliver that kind of content. Mostly, as Mooer Learned a few good lessons about such things when he was in the video game biz.

That’s something I learned in video games. I can push you all kinds of stuff on particular players, but if you’re only interested in Mohamed Salah, and I don’t know that, my outreach is wasted.

You might like Gini Wijnaldum. The more we learn about you, the more we can push Gini Wijnaldum stuff that you’ll click or engage. The key is that I need to know who you are.

Peter Moore

Source: PC Gamer

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