Ford Sues John Cena Because he Sold a High-End Sports Car

John Cena

Whoever served him must have the ability to see the invisible.

It seems that John Cena, the world’s most difficult-to-see wrestler, has landed in some hot water with the Ford Motor Company.

The WWE wrestler apparently broke a contract he signed when buying a Limited Edition Ford GT. The contract stipulated that he could not resell the car within two years of the purchase date. According to Cena, he sold the car “for cash to take care of expenses,” according to the suit. The suit also lays out the terms of the agreement of which they allege Cena is in breach, as well as the purpose of those agreements:

Accordingly, Ford reserves these unique vehicles for only those individuals who truly desire a special ownership experience, such as car enthusiasts and collectors, those individuals who will be influencers and ambassadors of the vehicle and the Ford brand, and those individuals who truly desire to maintain ownership of the vehicle for their own use.

John Cena

Ford claims in the suit that it has suffered “damages and losses,” due to John Cena’s actions. In addition, that they have also endured “loss of brand value, ambassador activity, and customer goodwill due to the improper sale.” They’ll have to actually prove that in court, though, which means they’ll need the world’s sharpest-eyed bailiff and judge.

READ:  John Cena to Play Duke Nukem in Movie Adaptation
Source: The Washington Post

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