Footage from Amazon’s MMO ‘New World’ has leaked

Amazon is working on their very own MMO because the company isn’t content with ruling over everything. They’ve been pretty quiet about the huge venture but now we have nine-minutes of leaked footage showing off the game.

What’s really funny is that the leaked footage didn’t originally get uploaded to YouTube or stuffed onto some random uploading site, rater, almost two hours of content was uploaded to PornHub.

The above clip comes from the games closed beta and shows off a large grassy area that looks like a starting area. What’s different here is that New World looks like it’s taking a lot of inspiration from survival games that were all the rage a few years ago.

This means that crafting is a huge deal (much to my dismay) and the process seems to be a lot more realistic than most games. Clothing and such requires the needed items, but also the requires structure. This means you’ll need a tanning rack for cloths and a forge for weapons and tools.

I get that many people will love this but I can’t help to think that I’ll be bored out of my mind. Still, it’s a lot better than collecting three pieces of wood, two eggs, one rabbit, and some string to craft a Ford Taurus. If you love making stuff then this might be right up your ally.

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Combat looks more fun than in other MMO’s because it doesn’t seem to be a roll of the dice and prayers to the RNG gods. New World seems to focus more on your skill, so if you aim well and land a shot it will hit the target. This gives the game in a much more action feel which I can get behind.


Count me intrigued! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to order a bunch of stuff on Amazon so I don’t have to leave the house.

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