The Following “Sacrifice” Review

New cults, kidnapping and throat slitting? Must be a new episode of The Following. Throughout the second season, we’ve heard a lot talk about what characters have “sacrificed”. From Joe, Ryan, and former follower enthusiast, Emma – we’re now seeing that play out, literally.Monday nights episode of The Following, titled “Sacrifice”, marks the halfway point of this season and a whole new direction of crazy.

We pick up, more or less, where we left off last week. Joe, Emma and Mandy pull up to an unfriendly-looking compound,  in the middle of nowhere. Through a connection from season one’s deceased Roderick, they’ve hooked up with another group of likeminded individuals, a cult called Corbin. They’re greeted, like you usually greet guests, with machine guns of course. They violently instruct Carroll and Co. to get on their knees. Welcome!

In New York, the fallout from Lily Grey Gate can be felt all over Team Rouge (Hardy, Mike and Max). Mike is heading back home, still recovering mentally from season one. Aren’t we all buddy?

And Max, on suspension, continues to feed her Uncle Ryan’s obsession with Joe Carroll till he finally confesses to her, the new life he’s so carefully built is to piss off and lure out Carroll. Damn Hardy, if you get the chance, you should really kill yourself if this is what it’s coming to.

Back at The New Cult on the Block, it’s hard to tell what the inauspicious Corbin cults’ end game really is, besides off-putting. One part Eyes Wide Shut, forcing Carroll and Co to wear white masks and robes. One part nebulous internment camp, they were stripped and power hosed down before changing into their cult attire. And one part believers of Islam?  As Joe is led to meet leader Micah, there are signs with the word ‘surrender’ and inside Micah’s lair, the Islamic crescent is adorned on the walls.

Micah gives Joe “mad props” on the success of his former following, which should totally be a red flag to Joe. He’s aware of Carroll’s past and Micah wants Carroll to teach him how to get others to kill for him, in return for refuge from the po-po. Just your average trade-ises between psychopaths. But Micah is not so sure Carroll is ready for, “the Micah show”. I mean honestly, even if I were a serial killer, I’d still be scared of a bro-ish cult leader using slang from 2010 and referring to himself in the third person.

Max returns home after Hardy tells her that he’s determined to be the one who find and kills Carrolls in the end. Hey man, whatever gets you to stop drinking, I guess. When Max pulls into her parking garage, she sees a Man, verbally berating a little kid. Instead of minding her own damn business, Max gets tricked into getting kidnapped by killer-at-large, The Huntsman. He’s a fan of butterflies, tattoos and killing prostitutes by hunting them in the woods. Charming!

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Hardy snaps into action, Mike comes back to help and they go meet Luke, who managed to survive Mike’s beat down last week, but looks like total shit. Luke proves to be somewhat useful and Hardy doesn’t even have to punch him (cause he’s restrained), he ID’s The Huntsman aka Kurt after a lot of back-story about his Mother’s dating habits. The FBI, Hardy and Mike locate The Huntsman accomplice, his own crappy son. Hardy and Mike lock the door, give a 12-year-old a shake down and take off to the cabin where Max is being held. They show up about five minutes after Max has freed herself and ran into the dark-ass woods. As you do, when aforementioned murderer loves to hunts women, to the point where it’s his thing and in his name. Thankfully, Hardy redeems himself and his silly curse, shooting The Huntsman and saving Max in the nick of time.

After Joe passes his sociopath lie detector test and formally becomes a member of Corbin cult, a Skull and Bones-esque celebration is thrown in Carroll and Co.’s honor.  Turns out Emma has been chosen by a community theater witch for “sacrifice” tonight. Come on down to get your wrists slit and your blood drank by your leader, Micah!

Safe and sound at FBI HQ, turns out Lily Grey is all about keeping promises and really loves surprises. She sends Team Rouge a video message of Mike’s Father getting his throat slit by Luke’s better half, Mark. Way harsh, yo. But I guess this is how she’s wants to play the game, understandably upsetting Mike in a bid to get Team Rogue out in the open. But little does Grey know, Max is still alive.

Next week, we meet the man responsible for teaching Joe Carroll everything he knows.  I’ll see you next week for another recap of The Following!


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