The Following review: “The Reaping”

Questionable decision-making reaches a fever pitch on last nights episode of The Following. Granted, we’re winding down (or gearing up, really) for a shit show finale in two episodes. But the pressing issue is, will Ryan Hardy finally effing kill Joe Carroll? If “The Reaping” (and the season three renewal) are any indication, don’t get your hopes too high.

Honestly, is The Following even about that plot line anymore, killing Joe? Other than Clarie and Hardy mentioning it about eight times an episode? I’m overthinking this show, nevermind, let’s get to it.

Hardy is still running around in the snow at Korban, Claire is trying to convince Carrie Cook she’s sane enough to go on-air to call out Carroll, and Pastor Kingston Tanner has heard from Joe. Max and Mike, Team Rogue sorely missing its leader, accompany the FBI to take a closer look at Carroll’s message of “true fate”. Tanner pulls Mike into an awkward prayer circle, they’re brothers in watching people they love get their throat slit on mysteriously grainy camcorder footage – take in the foreshadowing, kids. Tanner wants to appeal to the public to get his son back, the FBI shoots (ha) down the idea, that would give Carroll exactly what he wants.

Too bad what Carroll really, really wants is actually traipsing around Korban in mask and robe, blending in with the masses. “A large group will be leaving first thing in the morning”, thanks for telling us about the final mission Emma. I’m sure your exchange with Don’t Call Me Fatty was just as heart warming for Hardy to overhear and mostly likely put a stop to later.

Praise Joe starts, Tanner’s hostage son Preston and the inmates from the bunker (the non-Joe-believers) are trotted out. Rejoice! First up to bat for the ritual sacrifice is Courtney, COME ON DOWN! Preston’s ’bout to send you home. Oh, Preston, you don’t get what that means? It’s a fancy word for: stab dis bish. Carroll’s version of repenting, at least, for Preston. Hardy, gun ready, fires off a shot and cuts the party short. What a stick in the mud.

If you think we forgot about Lily Grey and her particular brand of crazy, you’re dead wrong (ha, squared). They’re gearing up for something big too, she’s got unfinished business, namely Carroll. As one of the twins accurately predicts, he doesn’t wanna lose his Mommy in all this. She reassures him by telling him to grow a pair. Yeah dude, you have dinner parties with dead bodies, cowgirl up.

Post ritual sacrifice gone awry, Carroll voices his disappointed in Robert for not locking up every disgruntled member. Robert carefully defends himself by saying he thinks Hardy might of trailed them from the college. Emma wants to leave now, but Carroll just wants Robert to find Hardy and bring him to him, unharmed. Le sigh. Hardy gets made pretty quick after that, not doing himself any favors by firing off more shots to make himself known. Hardy clearly has a plan, possibly related to killing Joe. Maybe.

During Mike’s breakthrough meet-cute with Max about watching his Dad get killed by Grey, they just so happen to find out where Lily Grey is staying. Any chances his self enlightenment will stick when he sees her and resists The Following patented three to the chest?

READ:  The Following: "Teacher's Pet"

Grey’s house is clear when they arrive, minus Mandy’s dead body, and they manage to figure out everyone is descending on Korban. Hardy mostly likely in the cross hairs.

Joe finally lays eyes on Hardy after a longggg year apart. Joe can barely hide his excitement “I’ve missed us!” Eh, I’ll give it to them, I have too. After some fun banter, we get to the good stuff, not them only calling out each others personality flaws, which are many. Joe tells Ryan he’s best friend, so sad when you hear it all out loud.  But more importantly, if Carroll dies, Hardy will die. I didn’t know Carroll was incorporating Freddy Krueger in his routine.

Carroll wants to save his best trick for last, not revealing his master plan to Hardy but noting that his days “they are numbered” all the same. That’s when we’re treated to the murder that never happened, Courtney and Preston are brought back out, kneeling before Hardy. One of thems gotta die. Is that a rule of Fight Club? Anyway, who’s it gonna be? Don’t all chime in at once.

Carroll’s “truth” is proved when Preston guts Courtney on camera. Dad’s gonna be real proud you asked God for forgiveness first. Before parting adieu, Joe exposes his real weakness, a little unevenly but alright. He’s still in love with Claire, his greatest “regret”. He slips away, again. Undead. Cool plan Hardy.

Grey and hired hands show up outside Korban, similarly as obsessed with killing Carroll as Hardy. Lily wants them to bring Joe to her when they find him, that’s all it takes and they storm the gate, spraying any member that stands between them and Joe, with bullets.

Cue FBI helicopters landing at Korban, where it’s lookin’  real Jonestown Massacre-y, when they roll up. Hardy busts out of his chair bind pretty quick, totally fine, comes out hands up. As this happens, Mike mumbles something about southwest parameters to Max, taking off to find Lily Grey. Pays off cause Mike gets to ambush Grey at gunpoint solo. When Hardy shows up to predictably talk Mike off the ledge with Max, they try to make you think he’ll really come to his senses. After enough talking that turns a semi-tense situation into an annoying argument we know will only end one way. Mike puts down his gun, he’s going to arrest her. JK, he pulls the patented Following 123 to the chest, thank gawd. Hardy tries to pointlessly revive Lily, she dead dude. Mike holsters his gun dramatically, I suppose it was intended to be an eery final shot, it wasn’t. No one liked Grey, she is a known murderer. Like, who cares. One less character to poorly write.

Lastly, Carrie Cook delivers Claire’s message to Joe, who is watching – safely tucked away in a cabin. The coded message Claire sends out, a shitty poem – totally Joe’s style. Does Joe gets that Claire is alive? Seems so, but we’ll have until next week to see if it has Claire’s desired effect, luring him long enough out to kill him.

Two episodes left, bring it on The Following.


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