The Flash: Season 2 out on DVD so we look back on Season 2

The Flash - The Runaway Dinosaur-0

Last Season on The Flash had a lot going on. Not only did it launch Legends of Tomorrow, it had more than its fair share of twists and time travel. And since Warner Bros. was kind enough to send us season 2 on DVD/Bluray, we felt a bit of a recap was in order.

I feel for ya, man.
“I believe I can fly~”

Mentioning the Legends prequel episode (if that makes sense) seems like a logical place to start. Especially since it led to departure of several supporting characters, even though some might eventually come back. Hell, Barry and Oliver managed to almost-but-not-quite kill Vandal Savage. It also reminded us that the DC universe is very pro-chucking-people-off-buildings.

The Flash - Flash Back-0

Also prevalent was time travel. Including the time that Barry went back and changed how a season 1 episode ended, introducing the Time Wraiths. He may be a hero, but he sure is careless when it comes to screwing with the timeline. Can’t wait for Rip Hunter to start leaving laser guns with cavemen.

The Flash - The Race of His Life-0

Most of the season was consumed, however, with Jay Garrick/Zoom/Hunter Zoloman. The twists with him were well played. He really pushed Barry in ways that seemed unlikely after Eobard Thawne departed. Even his edgelording wasn’t that big a deal. The reveal of his captive was an incredible payoff, as well. The Flash has always had a problem with keeping things like that going for any length of time, so they really do deserve major props for that.

The Flash - The Race of His Life-4

So, with a short-lived Flashpoint on the horizon, what will Season 3 bring? My guess is something akin to Crisis on Infinite Earths. It’ll likely be at least partially used to bring Supergirl into the fold, since The CW acquired it. Wish they’d do that with Constantine. Seriously, NBC really screwed that show over.

So with that make sure to pick up The Flash: Season 2 that is out now on Amazon. Warner Bros. was kind enough to send us over a copy to check out and as fans of the series we liked what we saw. The Bluray is great and breathes new life into a show that I only get to watch in standard definition. It’s a really pretty looking experience, especially with the effects heavy sort of show it is. But one things that is really cool for those looking to pick up the season is that you can get 3 digital episodes of “The Flash: Season 3” when you purchase “The Flash: Season 2”.

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The Flash Season 2

The season set also includes a number of extras for fans of the series to enjoy. You get to check out ‘The Flash: 2015 Comic-Con Panel’ which is a lot of fun, close to 3 hours of ‘Bonus Content’ including ‘Behind-the-scenes’ visual effects featurettes for almost every episode! One thing that was a nice surprise was getting DC Comics’ Vixen Season 1: Episodes 1-6 on the disc. For those that missed this animated series this is a great chance to get versed on the character. Rounding out the extras is ‘The Many Faces of Zoom’ featurette as well as the ‘Kevin Smith on ‘Flash’ Point’ featurette.

We were surprised with the amount of content in this set and as fans can easily recommend it. If you want to snag a copy just head over to Amazon ( and get yours today. Heck, if Warner Bros. didn’t send us out a copy we’d have it on our shopping list.

The Flash kicks off season 3 on October 4th on The CW.

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