The Flash “Potential Energy”

The Flash

The Flash came back from Winter hiatus just as strong as ever. It’s really nice how consistent it is on a weekly basis.

Things start with Barry having nightmares of Zoom killing Patty. As is usual for him, he doesn’t tell anyone until it becomes apparent that it’s affecting him. Specifically, Patty asks Iris what to do about it, and she tells her that the usual “you’re not Atlas” thing ought to work. He obviously can’t just let her know he’s The Flash, so he tells her it has to do with the fact that his mother died around New Year’s.

Meanwhile, Harry’s been working on his literal deal with the devil by attempting to increase Barry’s speed. He gets frustrated and throws a bunch of lab equipment off a table to Cisco’s disapproval. After all, we don’t throw other people’s things on the ground just because we’re mad. He just can’t manage to figure out a way to make Barry faster. Luckily, Cisco has an idea that would help make Zoom slower.

Cisco keeps a bunch of files on metahumans that have made their presence known, but simply haven’t done anything to necessarily cross paths with them. Which brings him to the topic at hand, his personal white whale, The Turtle. A burglar who has gone around stealing personal articles from people, not for monetary gain, who has accomplished such robberies by being able to slow down everything within a sphere of influence. It turns out the guy is a piece of work, but that would be getting ahead of things.

The first attempt to catch him goes badly. Barry gets to find out just how effective the little time bubble is first hand. And he’s completely incapable of stopping him from stealing a ring with some significant familial importance to its owner. The only reason Barry can actually make sense of what’s happening while inside the bubble is due to the fact that being the fastest man alive has a bunch of required secondary abilities, even though he’s practically standing still here.

The second attempt actually winds up going worse. This time Barry decides that just catching the guy isn’t enough. He decides to wrap his date with Patty into it, in addition to deciding to tell her that he’s The Flash. The results are predictable; Patty spots The Turtle stealing the painting the evening is based around and takes a few ineffective shots at him with her service weapon. Meanwhile, Barry ditches her to change into his suit, just in time to save her from the chandelier, with which the Turtle decided to crush her.

READ:  The Flash "Back to Normal"

This puts Barry and Patty on the rocks. After all, he did ditch her during their date. She pretty much shuts down his apologies after that. It ultimately doesn’t work out in her favor, though, since The Turtle figured out where she lives somehow. He kidnaps her with ease since he can just stop bullets midair by looking at them funny.

The Flash

Exhibit A.

Once Barry finds out, he sets out to find the guy, Cisco and co. help pinpoint his most likely location. Turns out that The Turtle’s compulsory thievery is based around his wife leaving him. He views all of the objects he stole as having not been appreciated by their owners. Oh, but it doesn’t end there. He didn’t just let his wife leave him, oh no. He killed her, drained her of all her blood and stuck her in a glass coffin so she wouldn’t leave him again. And he plans to do the same to Patty, since he drew the obvious parallel between them faster than she did. You can guess how Barry beats him; by running really, really fast.

To sum up the whole Wally drama; he street races, which is why he didn’t show up for the family dinner he was invited to. He also kind of acts like a sullen shit to Joe, which is understandable to a degree. At the same time, it’s uncalled for.

Caitlin figures out that Jay’s powers were keeping him from becoming very ill (probably cancer, by my guess). He shoots down any offer of help, since he’s accepted the fact that he’s going to die. I doubt Caitlin feels the same.

Harry, desperate to stop Zoom, decides to do a little work after hours. Namely taking a sample of The Turtle’s brain tissue. The hard way. No anesthetic. Must suck being one of the final five.

The Flash

That’s fucked up, Harry.

Also, Eobard Thawne somehow came back. Why? Because fuck the timeline, that’s why!

Final Thoughts:

  • The Turtle’s days of chucking people he thinks are cylons out an airlock are over.
  • “We’d like to get a sample of your brain tissue.”
  • I can’t wait to find out what caused this new bout of timeline fuckery.


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