The Flash “Killer Frost”

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The Flash has been stringing along it’s Killer Frost subplot since the beginning of the season. Which is fine; letting it develop at a natural pace obviously helped. This one just leaves me wondering if it ended too abruptly, unless there’s more in store.

Things pick up right where they left off last episode. Barry’s under attack by Savitar; no one else can really see him, either. That doesn’t stop Joe from trying to help The Flash, though. His bullets aren’t very effective against Savitar, though they do hit him. That just prompts Savitar to move the struggle elsewhere. He stops periodically to beat on The Flash, before they finally wind up at the waterfront. HR suggests that Cisco and Caitlin help him, since he clearly can’t win one on one. They get there by having Cisco create an intra-dimensional gate with his powers, which he’s not really able to do easily. Caitlin’s able to freeze Savitar, even though she can’t see him, forcing him to flee.

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Is there anything that signals “bad idea” quite like an unexpected bloody nose? (Image: The CW)

Making the portal gave Cisco a mini stroke. And Wally’s stuck in a coma-like state inside his pod, which is freaking Joe out to no end. He decides to go and interrogate the cultist they actually captured, but he doesn’t really get anything out of him. At least, not before Caitlin shows up and tells him that Wally’s awake. She uses her alone time to try and get the cultist to talk. She wants to know where Alchemy is, and she’s not taking no for an answer. An officer and detective hear the cultist’s screams, and go to check it out. She uses her powers to create a fog and seal them in the interrogation room, but she runs into Julian on the way out.

Caitlin takes him hostage, telling him to help her find Alchemy. She wants him to take her powers away, which she figures he can do. Julian’s not totally cooperative, though, and sends the CCPD a head’s up just as Barry and the team figure out where she is. The Flash is there first, and he knocks Julian out when he calls for him to take her down.

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You know, that bit they used in all of the promos for this episode. (Image: The CW)

She’s not just willing to let this go, though. Through his coms, she lets everyone know just how badly Flashpoint screwed all of them over. Especially Cisco; her powers are definitely affecting her thinking by this point, and she pulls no punches. When the CCPD gets there, Barry tries to save her, but she severs a tendon in his leg. He’ll be laid off for at least a few hours even with his considerable regeneration.

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They realize that she’s going to go after one of the other two cultists that were left alive, thanks to what Julian searched for on her laptop. She gets at one of them, and under duress, tells her that Savitar has a plan for her. That plan involves Killer Frost, not Caitlin Snow. As it happens, that was the house Cisco was staking out, and they fulfill the fight from his vibe last episode. The Flash shows up, but ice really is his hard cancel. Cisco saves him, though, and they stick her in the pipeline.

They really need Caitlin back, though; Wally still isn’t out of his pod. Barry decides to force the issue with an ultimatum: she can walk right out, but only if she kills him. She makes overtures towards actually doing it, but Barry’s successfully called her bluff. He knew she couldn’t actually do it.

Too bad Joe and HR got the bad idea to basically cut Wally out of the cocoon. He’s clearly got speed, but  he’s not really in control of himself; he doesn’t answer when people call his name. He runs off, and Caitlin guesses that he’s not really used to his speed yet, so everything’s firing at full blast. The sedative Caitlin makes stops it, though they had to track him down to his mother’s old house in Keystone.

Barry is able to cut a deal with Julian to keep Caitlin safe. It comes at the cost of his resignation from the CCPD, however. The real reveal, however, is that Savitar has been using Julian as Alchemy this entire time.

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Wait, why is there also a tutu?” “I am altering the deal; pray I don’t alter it any further.” (ImageThe CW)

The Flash has dropped it’s bombshell. And mostly resolved the whole Caitlin arc. Time for an alien invasion.

Final Thoughts:

  • Really zigged when I should have zagged with the whole “Julian as Alchemy” thing.
  • I was pretty sure Cisco already knew that Flashpoint changed things for Dante.
  • I really can’t imagine this as a hard endpoint for Killer Frost this season.

“Pretty good”

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