The Flash “Flash of Two Worlds”

Picking up right where we left off, you have Jay Garrick somehow in the newly protected STAR Labs. Everyone is suspicious. And his assertion that their world is in deep shit hangs in the air.

Jay gives his speech about how he’s The Flash of his world, and that this Zoom guy is clearly up to no good. Even how his helmet wound up showing up in last season’s finale. In the jump between worlds, he lost his connection to the Speed Force, so he’s not exactly running anywhere in the near future. Surprisingly, they keep to the “heavy water” origin for his powers, when he talks with Caitlin later in the episode. Naturally, he gets rewarded with a cell in the pipeline, because Barry doesn’t really trust anyone new anymore.

No burgers for you, sir.
No burgers for you, sir.

One big thing is that Catlin is clearly over Ronnie by this point, because she spends a lot of the episode ogling Jay. No, seriously. Oh, she says that it’s for science. You know, all of the shirtless tests up to and including a full body scan. For science! But you realize what’s up. There’s even a short scene where things turn into a mini pissing contest between Iris and Caitlin over Barry and Jay’s “positive points”. Scientifically, of course. The finger shaped scars on Jay’s chest from his last fight with Zoom clearly don’t hurt his chances.

"In our world, science works better when you're shirtless." "What?" "Just keep running!"
“In our world, science works better when you’re shirtless.” “What?” “Just keep running!”

Cisco is initially ticked that Jay already has a name for their metahuman, but gives it up because Sand Demon is a pretty cool name anyway. The big thing for Cisco this episode, though, is his starting to come to grips with his powers. He’s still clearly terrified of them; after all, as he puts it, Wells considered them his gift to Cisco, and Wells did pretty much everything for the sake of evil. Dr. Stein figures out that Cisco was on the nose about too many things at a time, and draws the confession out of him, but respects his wishes that the others not know about it.

Sand Demon doesn’t really turn to sand. His cells just literally turn into a sand-like substance, and he has to base himself in a humid environment to keep them all moist. Disgusting. This episode also really explains that this isn’t a face stealing thing like with Wells. Some people that got powers in Barry’s world didn’t get them in Jay’s, and vice versa, which explains the whole Rothstein thing from last week. In this case, Joe actually pulls in (with some help) their universe’s version of Sand Demon, who didn’t get powers because he was stuck in Blackgate Prison during the accelerator explosion. The whole doppelganger thing is really nailed home.

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He's clearly a logia type. We know how to deal with those.
He’s clearly a logia type. We know how to deal with those.

The big addition in this one is Patty Spivot. In this show, she’s a greenhorn fresh out of the academy, and she really wants to get on Joe’s anti-metahuman task force. She really doesn’t give up; she actually bags their universe’s version of Sand Demon, in addition to finding the only fingerprints from Sand Demon’s first arson. Honestly, if her drive wasn’t explained later in the episode, I would find it really annoying how competent she is for how new to police work she is. She has a real hate on for the Mardon brothers, due to the fact that before they even had powers, they shot her father in the face for the few hundred bucks he was taking to the bank from his business. So she really wants to catch old Mark.

The thing so far for this season is that they’ve gotten very “Batman movie” on the alternate universe metahumans. Thus far, all of them have died, even though they have a somewhat sympathetic edge. Namely, that all they really seem to want, regardless of their otherdimensional guilt, to go home, and Zoom is their only ticket back. And the price for that trip is killing The Flash. Sand Demon is thrilled that he gets a twofer when both Barry and Jay show up to stop him. He’s less thrilled when Barry masters a new trick that turns Sand Demon to glass and he shatters on the ground.

But the big thing in this one? Alternate universe STAR Labs. More specifically, alternate universe Harrison Wells. It’s hard to tell from what we’ve been shown if he’s the real Wells, or alt. universe Eobard Thawne masquerading as him. But Tom Cavanagh is back!

Also, Dr. Stein mysteriously collapses.

Final Thoughts:
– When no one was looking, the singularity created fifty-two breaches. It created 52 breaches. That’s as many as four thirteens. And that’s terrible.
– Pretty conceited of Dr. Stein to name their Earth “Earth 1”. Could’ve called Jay’s Earth “Earth A” rather than “Earth 2”.
– The little conversation about alliteration forced me to pause the show to laugh.


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