Our first full look at the Justice Society of America from Legends of Tomorrow

Legends of Tomorrow is a lovely show. The first season was about as strong as you could get for a television superhero show. The series baddie Vandal Savage was a shot to the arm that The CW needed in terms of villains for their heroes. But with that arc over (for now) new threats arise and the team will be getting a little help from the JSA.

The Justice Society of America (JSA) is the proto Justice League that was formed back in the early days of DC. What’s interesting is that Wonder Woman served on the team, but only as, well, their secretary. It was a different time, even if current events might lead you to believe otherwise.

Make the JSA great again!
Make the JSA great again!

While DC is putting the Justice League together on the big screen, for the television universe this is about as close as we can get. We have already seen some quick looks at the cast from previews, but this is the first time we get a clear look at the team.

The squad will enter the fray in the second episode of Legend’s of Tomorrow second season. The story will see the team time travel back into Nazi-occupied Paris on a mission to stop some sort of anomaly that threatens the existence of the JSA. Probably Hitler and his crazy occult stuff.

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Justice Society of America

 What is really interesting is that the JSA all have that traditional CW hero look with the muted leathers. It’s a little strange that the costumes are so similar to the modern counterparts, but I suppose leather is leather. I would have loved a little more spandex look to tie into the comics. That said, Star Girl does look to have her original costume spandex. She is very bright and vibrant which really stands out.
This version of the team has Vixen on it, but this is a much eariler version of the character than the one we saw on Arrow. It one of those power-sets that gets passed down through the ages. Also, she is now my favorite character ever, because reasons. <3

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