First footage of Streets of Rage 4 emerges

Publisher and developer Dotemu, Lizardcube, and Guard Crush Games today give the world with a first look at the lifebar-draining brawls of Streets of Rage 4, an all-new entry to SEGA’s most iconic beat ‘em up series.

The clip finds our dear friends Axel and Blaze reunited and dishing out beatdowns – with all-new moves – to a fledgling group of ill-advised criminals in full force.

Streets of Rage 4’s vibrant visuals, courtesy of the team behind 2017’s stunning Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap remake, bring the game’s troubled city to life with a fluid, exaggerated style.

The game’s hand-drawn animation adds a burst of flair to every pummeling while still encompassing the gritty aesthetic perfected within the original trilogy.

Streets of Rage 4 is the first installment to the mainline series in more than two decades and will revitalize the iconic baddie-bashing gameplay with modern touches, fresh pulsing jams, and more surprises to be revealed.

The team behind Streets of Rage 4 is drawing from a lifetime of love for brawlers to introduce new fans and remind veterans alike why Streets of Rage is one of SEGA’s most beloved series.

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