Finally, a video game console for dogs

“Video game console for dogs” sounds like something that would be in the background of a Futurama episode, but nope, it’s 100% real. Finally, your dog can stop being such a fucking noob.

Via EuroGamer:

Here’s how it works: The CleverPet initially gives your dog a treat any time it hits a button. Then, it only rewards them for touching the lit up buttons. After that, it starts integrating puzzles that gradually increase in difficulty. Examples include only hitting the buttons when they’re a certain colour, keeping up with DDR-like combinations, or listening to audio cues like “touch blue” or “touch right”.

Damn, I was really hoping there would be some online capability so your dog could call other dogs the N-word and talk about plowing their mom. No word yet on when doggy DRM will be introduced. What’s the DLC for CleverPet? I could make these jokes all day. Is tech support dogs from India? Okay, I’ll stop. Here’s a video of a prototype in action:

And go here if you want to donate to the Kickstarter or reserve a console for your pet. Or you could just donate to GAMbIT if you’re that clueless about what to do with your money.

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