The Final Station: The Only Traitor DLC – Review/Giveaway

(Read on to find out how to win yourself a free copy of The Final Station!)

The Final Station was a pretty good game. Sure, it had it’s fair share of downsides to go with that. Namely the slightly wonky, confusing translation. But it stood up well on its own.

So you can imagine how surprised I was to find that there was a DLC campaign to go with it. And it actually improves on the base game in a number of ways! But I shouldn’t get ahead of myself.

The Final Station The Only Traitor - 1
Oleg Sergeev , Andrey Rumak , Do My Best, tinyBuild

You play through The Only Traitor as Peter. He’s different in a number of ways, not the least being he really doesn’t have much authority compared to the Conductor. His story takes place in a bit of time screw.

Actually, its a little difficult to place the order of events precisely; not a surprise, considering the plot of the base game. Not helped by the fact that there seems to be a bit of time shenanigans going on near the end. Nonetheless, Peter’s journey dovetails nicely with the base game.

The Final Station The Only Traitor - 2
Oleg Sergeev , Andrey Rumak , Do My Best, tinyBuild

Peter doesn’t drive a train, however. Instead, he has his own car. This makes the travel sections far more simple; not only do you not have to worry about your passenger bleeding out, you can only carry one passenger at a time.

Your crafting is handled by your passenger, who can also give you a single heal per driving segment. Each passenger has their strengths; Some are better crafters (using less materials), some better medics, and some actually know something about what’s going on. You have to make a choice every time you meet a new person; are you trading up?

Or is this person more valuable to the story? You shouldn’t fret too much about it, though. My high crafting playthrough ended with a sizeable surplus of medkits and about 30 bullets. If anything, it’s a bit too streamlined; but I have a feeling that the next part they make, should they do so, will have it dialed in.

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The Final Station The Only Traitor - 3
Oleg Sergeev , Andrey Rumak , Do My Best, tinyBuild

One of the major gameplay differences is Peter’s spiked bat. It’s more agile than both the unarmed strike and stock smack from the base game. This makes it slightly more viable in helping you conserve ammo when fighting a group.

Granted, he never gets any new weapons or enhancements after he picks up the revolver, but the DLC’s short enough that it doesn’t matter. It’s also pretty useful for dealing with the spitter enemies; had I known earlier that I could bat away their spit, I would’ve saved a few extra bullets.

The Final Station The Only Traitor - 4
Oleg Sergeev , Andrey Rumak , Do My Best, tinyBuild

The one major criticism I’ve seen floating around is that, to see every passenger’s ending, you have to play the DLC 12 times. Also, each character has an achievement for their ending, if you’re obsessive enough that it matters. Most of them apparently end the same way, or similarly. I wasn’t going to do 12 playthroughs just to be sure. Especially since the actual ending is the same every time.

Overall, The Final Station: The Only Traitor is a decent addition to the base game.  Whether you think it’s $5 worth of game is up to you, though. Personally, for the bit of clarification it offers, I’d say it’s worth getting.

Final Score:


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