Final Fantasy XIV has Kefka on the Way

Final Fantasy XIV

Son of a submariner!

The next update patch for Final Fantasy XIV probably has a number of really great improvements for players. But I’m not focusing on them. Because at the end of the update trailer, they teased something pretty cool. They’re adding Final Fantasy VI’s Kefka into the game.

Technically, they only tease him right at the end. That said, all of the music in the trailer is pretty much from Final Fantasy VI, starting with Phantom Train, going into Dancing Mad (which might just spoil it) and staying there (by switching to the last part of the song) up until the end. Either way, he seems to made out to be a raid boss, which oughta be some damn interesting content to play through.

Patch 4.2 for Final Fantasy XIV doesn’t touch down until January 30th. No doubt old school FF players in the game can’t wait to kick the clown’s ass once again.

Source: PC Gamer

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