‘Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age’ Drops New Trailer From Tokyo Game Show

To coincide with Tokyo Game Show 2016, SQUARE ENIX released a brand new trailer for the upcoming game, FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE. The trailer further showcases some of the newly re-mastered visuals and environments as well as gameplay in action.

With FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE, fans can finally experience the world of Ivalice like never before . The high definition release will also give western audiences the first opportunity to experience the Zodiac Job System, a 12-job character progression system first introduced in the 2007 title, FINAL FANTASY XII INTERNATIONAL ZODIAC JOB SYSTEM.

I managed to skip over Final Fantasy XII when it released on the PS2, and contributor Bryan tells me that was probably for the best. It’s not that the game was bad, but that the game was so different from the standard Final Fantasy style. Still, after playing it at E3 this summer and the GameStop Expo last week, I am pretty interested in getting my hands on this one.

FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE will be available in 2017 for the PlayStation 4. For more information, head over and visit: www.finalfantasyxii.com .

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