The Female Team Fortress 2 Concepts that Never Made it to Development

Team Fortress 2

Scout’s Mother is not one of them.

A lot of design work never actually makes it all the way through the process. There are, for example, plenty of things designed for the original Star Wars Trilogy that never made it to the end product. Why should Team Fortress 2 be any different?

Team Fortress 2
Drew Wolf, Valve
Team Fortress 2
Drew Wolf, Valve

In this case, though, it’s not hats. Ex-Valve designer Drew Wolf made a full range of female TF2 characters as part of an internal pitch at one point.

Team Fortress 2
Drew Wolf, Valve
Team Fortress 2
Drew Wolf, Valve

With the exception of their class function, It was important that each design presented an entirely new character. I wanted these characters to live on their own and add dimension to the current roster of in-game characters. The goal of the project was to dive deep into possibilities and facilitate creative discussion.

While all of Drew’s work is incredibly on point with the late-60’s (now early-70’s) aesthetic of the game, some are more likely to be favored over others. Scout has probably the largest number of designs of the lot; I personally think the one holding the Force-A-Nature is incredibly on point, character-wise.

Team Fortress 2
Drew Wolf, Valve
Team Fortress 2
Drew Wolf, Valve

While none of the designs ever made it into the game (Drew admits that they were meant to foster creative discussion) they’re still pretty cool to look at. They’re just missing one thing that no Team Fortress 2 model is complete without. And, you know, it’s not terribly surprising, considering we still haven’t gotten that 10th class.

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