Fast & Furious 7 resuming production

Well this is great news for…someone. James Wan, I guess.

Vin Diesel shared on his Facebook that production on Fast & Furious 7 will resume in April, for between six and eight weeks; the film is looking at an April 2015 release date. Filming was put on hiatus in November after the untimely death of Paul Walker, but now director James Wan and writer Chris Morgan – sorry, “writer” – have had evidently had enough time to come up with an exit plan for Walker.

Now, I don’t care about these movies because I have a triple digit IQ and I read books for fun. But that notwithstanding, I think it’s time to throw in the towel on this franchise. One of the main stars is dead, and with the action getting more and more ridiculous, I think it’s only a matter of time before we see Dom Torretto in space or in Medieval times.

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