Fantastic Four leaks show Doctor Doom in action

This news and images via (Uproxx)

Th Fantastic Four have had a less than stellar experience when coming to screens. From the never released, but heavily promoted Roger Corman film of the early 90’s(I have a copy and it’s terrible) to the questionable casting of the modern-day Jessica Alba helmed film(s), the first family of Marvel has only managed to leave a bad taste in our collective mouths.

Sure, The Thing was pretty cool to see on-screen, but the only standout , both acting and visual wise, was Doctor Doom. Now that the series is getting a reboot, because heaven forbid Marvel gets the licence back and creates a good movie, we have our first leaked images from the set.

Below you can see Doctor Doom in action against a gigantic green screen sound-stage. While these images show very little in the way of detail, we can get the idea of the amount of CGI that the film is going to be employing, because there is no way The Thing (who Doctor Doom is squaring off against in the photo) could never been done as a costume… Wait, that’s not right. What I mean to say is that Doctor Doom could never be pulled off without the use of full body, Green Lantern style CGI… Nope, that’s still not right. Hmmm.

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Whatever the case may be these leaked images show are at least our first okay look at Ragman, er, Doctor Doom, the CGI The Thing, and a light up Human Torch.



[Update: Photos removed at the request of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation]

[Update: Photos removed at the request of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation]


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