Fan Trailer Explores the World of Ralph McQuarrie’s Star Wars Art

Star Wars

Impressive. Most impressive.

While a lot of credit for Star Wars goes to George Lucas, those in the know realize the part Ralph McQuarrie’s art played in the saga. Well, even though the end result might not initially seem like it. Nonetheless, you can still see the influence of his work today, in the shows, films, comics, and so on (Zeb Orrelios is basically McQuarrie’s Han Solo design repackaged into a purple heavy). Even though much of his art never made it to the final cut.

A world where Luke is a girl, Han Solo had gills, and Stormtroopers had lightsabers. That’s the Star Wars that students at DAVE School in Florida put time and effort into making real. And you can see the fruit of their efforts in the final product below:

You have to admit; they did a pretty good job of bringing his art to life on screen.

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