Fans Already Lining Up For Star Wars The Force Awakens

Star Wars The Force Awakens

Look, I have a pretty cushy gig. I write words for a living, both on this site and as a freelancer, but even I don’t have the free time to spend nearly 10 days waiting in line for a movie -a freaking movie. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge Star Wars fan –although Star Trek is more my taste as a science fiction fan– going so far as to have the original film on Betamax, VHS, Special Edition VHS, and not to mention toys, collectibles, and video games. But even with all that I still can’t fathom sleeping in the cold just to be the first to see the new movie. This mentality of having to be first, like it’s some badge of honor is a bit silly in my opinion.

Still, at least the 120 people who signed up to wait in line for the premiere of Star Wars The Force Awakens do get to clock in and out to use the bathroom (oh, joy) and to get to and from work. The fan community is strong and that is to be commended, but even I wouldn’t want to spend nine days straight sitting next to my best friends/family. To be fair, this time around waiting in line is much easier with the accessibility of laptops, portable gaming, smartphones, and all sorts of gadgets. I can’t even imagine how people did this even when Episode 1 came out, and that wasn’t even that long ago.

Star Wars fans line up earlyFans are lining up in Hollywood for the first screening of ”Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” still days away. Nathan Frandino reports.

Posted by Reuters on Wednesday, December 9, 2015

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