Fallout 76 Servers Get Nuked From In-Game Triple Nuke Launch

Fallout 76

Almost Heaven, West Virginia

The skies are practically crapping on Fallout 76. I mean, those poor GameStop employees can only take so much:

We all wish to be as calm under fire as Brian from GameStop.

But, in the case of the game’s official launch, players have found a few wonderful, game-crashing things. For example, a group of players found that synchronizing  the launch of three nukes on the map causes the the servers to crash and kick them from the game.

Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.

Their group had been playing since the B.E.T.A., so they had access to nukes. And what better way of celebrating the launch of the game that calling down three at once?

Regardless, Bethesda has launched the first Fallout 76 patch, and it’s pretty beefy. Maybe even stops stuff like this from crashing the servers… maybe. Bethesda has promised that these patches will get smaller as time goes on, though. Regardless,  they now have a new server stress test, right?

Source: VG 24/7

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