Fallout 76 Player Gets 500 Atoms From Bethesda From Black Friday Complaint

Fallout 76

Misty taste of moonshine, teardrops in my eyes.

The funny thing about Fallout 76 is how quickly that price dropped. initially, it went for $60, but once Black Friday rolled around, that price had dropped. And by dropped, I mean that it had been permanently discounted. And, naturally, some that bought it at full price weren’t happy to see that drop literally a bit over a week later.

So, one Reddit user decided to contact Bethesda and voice this displeasure. And they shot back by crediting him with 500 Atoms (the game’s premium currency). The response in the Reddit thread is that it should be a blanket credit for those that activated their accounts before the Black Friday price drop.

All that said, if you’re one of the people that bought the game in that time frame (or you are stuck with it after a GameStop rage) you have options. You can at least take the sting out of that purchase by trying your luck with Bethesda’s support.

Source: VG 24/7

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