The Fallout 4: Far Harbor trailer is here

Far Harbor

Bethesda is about to drop some serious DLC for Fallout 4 fans in the form of the Far Harbor expansion for the game. The studio claims that Far Harbor will be the largest landmass of any prior add-on in their history. If that is indeed the case players can expect a DLC pack that could be as large as some full retail games; in theory at least.

This is a welcome addition for Fallout 4 fans as the current DLC bits Bethesda has dripped out for the game have been pretty small and mostly overlooked. If you bought the season pass for Fallout 4 (never buy season passes…) odds are you’re pretty pissed about shelling out $50 for lackluster offerings. If you don’t have the season pass you can still pick up the Far Harbor DLC for $25.

They story of Far Harbor sees you on an island off the coast of Maine. This little paradise has taken quite a beating, more so than the rest of the Commonwealth, so don’t expect an island vacation. Things in Far Harbor are really rough and will put your to the test with the difficulty and new story.

Far Harbor docks on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on Thursday, May 19th.

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