Faith #9 – Review

After a couple of action filled issues it’s nice to have a more family-friendly chapter for Faith. That’s the case for Faith #9, which was a little strange at first sight because of the change of roles and structure in the overall story development, but achieved a nice end that was a lot of fun to read.

Faith #9The slow paced story is much simpler than in past chapters, as this one isn’t focusing on the acts and daily issues of the superhero life and routine that surrounds these people. Where this issue really shines is in how that exact routine affects the people around the hero, or heroine, in this case.

To see a this idea play out makes you think twice about wishing you were a superhero, and gives a more human perspective to what it’s like to be one of those iconic hero characters. The idea is tempting, and I’m sure we’ve all thought about it, but Faith #9 is of those issues that shows what it would be like and why maybe, just maybe you wouldn’t want them.

What amazed me this time around was the amount of humor that filled the story from beginning to end. Many jokes that made me laugh while reading were perfectly placed and implemented. I’m not sure I would like to see very often, as this comic would lose its impact, but it works pretty nice here and helps keep things fresh.

Faith #9However, it bothers me a little to see changing art style for different narrators. As soon as the story moves to someone new, the drawing is slightly different, with a more colorful take making Faith #9 a festival of colors and graphical happiness. Since I prefer darker comics, that one thing made it a bit harder for me to keep reading.

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Still, the panels distribution was something nice to see, and it led to a very natural read, fluid and easy to follow.There are also some darker panels that I enjoyed, not as many as I’d have preferred, but it’s better than nothing. A lot of this is just personal taste, so your mileage and take may be different than mine.

I can say that on the whole this was one of my favorite issues so far. It’s maybe not the best one because of little personal likes and dislikes, but it’s enjoyable for those who like humor, action and stories with a good dose of morality thrown in.

Final Score:

Publisher: Valiant
Written by: Jody Houser
Art by: Kate Niemczyk, Marguerite Sauvage
Page Count: 35 Pages
Print Release Date: March 1 2017
Age Rating: 12+ Only

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