Faith #8

Faith #8

If there is one comic on the market that really helps me to keep going, something with a simple story that serves as a little reminder of what life is supposed to be, it’s Faith.

Faith #8

The story itself is pretty simple, with nothing really remarkable that stands out, but that offers us a window into what’s going on inside Faith’s head.  We get to see what she’s is thinking because of the events that have transpired in her life so far and the way she feels towards them, as well as how she manages to find answers to her own insecurities. It’s all pretty powerful stuff.

Despite the fact that I could probably easily criticize the slow pace and lack of actual action in the story, Faith #8 is more focused on morality and self-help. Yes, it entertains and stuff, but the highlighted aspect of the comic this time is how to heal from the past. Again, powerful stuff all around.

I can hardly find any issues in the script, besides the  minor things I’ve stated, and let’s face it, every comic needs to slow down once in a while, either as to prepare us for better things or to take a break from drama and action in. Faith #8 actually feels like it does both of these things.

Faith #8 Review

I’ve always liked things to be in their rightful place, to see an order in everything around me including what I read/see. In comics I like to see panels with smart spacing, not interfering with each other or messing with backgrounds. Faith #8  nails this and it all makes for a much calmer and enjoyable read that helps to back the story of story we get.

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Also, there’s no need to use much lettering or fancy effects. A simple story deserves a simple overall look and if you’re one of those who prefers minimalism in your comics, I’m sure you’ll fall in love with this issue the moment you see it.

It’s a risky bet for an interesting comic like Faith, but one I’m eager to see more often. I’m not the kind of person into minimalism as I prefer everything to be as detailed and elaborate as possible, but this time, the team behind the book managed to make someone like me really get into it.

Faith continues to impress and the team at Valiant continue to take risks that keeps everything fresh.  Yes, this issue might be a bit slower than what you are used too, but the story itself is very promising and I’m excited for what’s to come!

“Faith is what comic books are all about.”


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