Faith #6

I wish somebody could tell me what happened with Faith #6 and why Valiant decided to let it have this sort of weak and “safe” end. It was all pointing in a good direction with all signs pointing to a big, epic fight, and then suddenly, everything is resolved by talking…

This may not be the best issue in the series and it might even be considered the weakest when looking back on the series.

The main idea in the script is pretty simple, yet attractive enough to keep you engaged. Faith manages to be quite likable once again, and it all comes naturally. There is nothing that is really forced, but as soon as we approach the final pages, things change dramatically. And the in the best direction, in my opinion.

All of the pages in the issue seem to make room for what could be an entertaining fighting, or at least, set the ground for a next chapter in which she villain escapes, or something similar. It was all on the right track, so it confuses me why it turned out the way it did.

Valiant Comics
Faith #6 // Valiant Comics

I don’t mean to say it was bad, maybe some people will like the way it ends as it is a risky play, but that’s not how things seemed to be promised to me. I left leaving as if somebody lied to me in my face. I wanted a big epic fight, so this talking and resolving issues quietly felt like having the ait let out of a balloon.

The art is quite good and I found myself enjoying it more than expected. It features lots of vivid colors and soft inks. Faith #6 keeps the same style as past issues, including the little bits of originality in some panels by using a different point of view that I like so much.

As always, the level of detail for each page surprises me. It looks really simple, to be honest, but once you take a good sight at it, the images start to show a more human world, not only cartoons in their own universe. They make you part of it.

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Faith #6 // Valiant Comics
Faith #6 // Valiant Comics

The full-page images are the best part, just like in other comics from Valiant, and I think they are half conscious of this, as we haven’t seen a lot of them lately. This time, in the last page of Faith #6, we have a nice image of Faith that I think could work as a cover; go see it and you’ll agree with me, I’m sure. Faith has been a really pretty series throuhout its run and this is no different.

To focus on and explore with darker tones for this issue gives it high marks from me, mostly because of personal liking, but also because I felt it added more drama and a  movie like quality to the whole issue. Faith is pretty far from being a dark story, but to use those colors and tones give a different look to this issue and was a great idea!

This may not be the best issue in the series and it might even be considered the weakest when looking back on the series.  It doesn’t quite have the love we saw given in past issues, or in the script department at least. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean we shouldn’t keep reading to see what happens next. Valiant has shown they can correct these kind of hicups. And even at its worst Faith is still better than most.

“Even at its worst Faith is still better than most.”


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