Facebook Launches Their Snooze Button for your Friends List


Perfect for when you have to keep someone friended, but don’t want to read anything they post.

You probably know someone Facebook that’s annoying. And, chances are, you can’t just unfriend this person without any trouble. Well, thankfully, Facebook now has a snooze button for people you’d rather not hear anything from.

Facebook already has ways of removing certain people’s posts from your timeline. The difference with Snooze is that it’s deliberately finite: 30 days, specifically. This is just enough time for someone to hopefully shut up about some event, or stop posting dumbass videos, or what have you. And if it isn’t, you can hit Snooze again, just like you do every day. From the blog post for the new feature:

Seeing too many photos of your uncle’s new cat? Is your friend tempting you with endless photos of ramen on her Japan trip? It turns out, you’re not alone. We’ve heard from people that they want more options to determine what they see in News Feed and when they see it. With Snooze, you don’t have to unfollow or unfriend permanently, rather just stop seeing someone’s posts for a short period of time. The people, Pages, and groups you snooze will not be notified. You will be notified before the Snooze period is about to end and the setting can also be reversed at any time.

I think it’s cute that they took the neutral, mostly inoffensive route with the explanation. We know it’ll mostly be used to let you ignore that special idiot in your Facebook Feed that likes to prattle on about things they don’t actually understand. Just pick a controversial subject; you know they wade neck deep in that shit. Well, now, at least, you won’t have to watch them do over and over, in every single post.

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