Facebook Account Will Be Required To Use Oculus Devices

Facebook bought Oculus some time ago and people were worried that things would change for the VR device. For a long time, things were business as normal but now Facebook is really pushing its might around as in the future you won’t be able to use an Oculus device without having a Facebook account.

At present, you do need an Oculus account which makes sense as they have a platform to get games, features, and updates. Current users will soon be able to merge their Oculus account with their Facebook account. If you are ant-Facebook, something I know a few Oculus friends of mine are, you can still use your current account until January 2023, giving you enough time to switch to a new VR platform.

As you might imagine people online were not very happy with the forced Facebook integration. Some people don’t want to tie their Facebook account, others don’t even have a Facebook account for various reasons, and some people simply deleted Facebook long ago.

Facebook says that the move will make it easier “find, connect, and play with friends in VR.” But if you read between the lines its simply a way to control a platform and force users to join, stay, or lock their lives into a Facebook account.

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