Fable 4 Rumors State That Albion Is Gone

Fable 4

I wonder what Guru Larry thinks?

So, not content with one major publisher leak today, Tuesday saw fit to leak another. In this case, Fable 4.

Fable 4

Essentially, per rumors, Albion and Aurora have been reduced to little more than fables (Eh? Eh?!). That said, not all of the previous games have been swept under the rug. A Heroes guild survived behind a Demon Door, and both Theresa and The Jack of Blades will make some kind of appearance. Apparently time travel will be a thing, too.

Your main quest is to stop an asteroid from wiping out the new nation that sprung up over the ashes of the old. Of course, this is a Fable game, so you can ignore that to dick around in the world, with this installment described as an open world concept. Or you can focus on it and probably get everything done at super speed by being an asshole.

Supposedly, the game’s being developed by Forza Horizon developers Playground Games. And chances are there will be something about the game at E3. Coincidentally, no Peter Molyneux (who recently outlined his original plan for a Fable 4 of his own design), which means you’ll probably be able to take anything officially announce at face value. Though I’m guessing Guru Larry is crushed by this fact.

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Source: VG 24/7

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