F2P 3D side-scrolling beat ’em up ‘Knights of Valour’ adds new features

Arcade games never die! Well, in the sense that you can still play them, most arcades are actually dead in 2017. Knights of Valour is one of those classic beat ’em ups that has shown great success since its release in early 2017 on the PS4. And because the game has been doing well the team behind it are dropping in some new content to keep fans both hacking and slashing. 

The brand-new “Mercenary” feature allows players to recruit and summon mercenaries which support them in battle and provide reusable effects throughout different game stages. They can even be leveled up to increase their power and usability. Mercenaries come in three different archetypes: Attack, Defense and Support as well as their own unique skills and abilities based on their type.

Secondly, the Wishing System provides players with the opportunity to plea a wish to the mighty Dragon God in exchange for useful mercenaries, various weapons and equipment.

Last but not least, the Exchange System is a way of getting more out of each event stage. In upcoming events players will now be able to collect an additional kind of currency.  This new event currency can then be exchanged for items, wishing tickets or other materials and equipment. Exchanges are only possible during an active event, and the pool of tradeable items is updated for each event.

Knights of Valour is available exclusively for PS4 and is can be downloaded free of charge from the PlayStation Store.

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