Exploding Kittens Comes to iOS

Exploding Kittens took the world by storm when it hit Kickstarter; I backed the game and NSFW expansion on day one. Thanks to the amazing success from the project (raising 9 million) the game looks to take the mobile games market by storm as well. The iOS game is in the Apple App Store right now, and will be hitting the Google Play Store in the near future.

Exploding Kittens iOS

As this is a multiplayer card game, Exploding Kittens has that support, but it’s a little different from you might expect. Instead of playing online, the game creates an ad-hoc network for up to six users over WiFi or Bluetooth.

Exploding Kittens iOS

Exploding Kittens will set you back $1.99 on iOS, so get some friends together and experience the game everyone is talking about. The game is also running a special the next few days that makes all in-app purchases free of charge. Thanks a pretty sweet deal for $2!

App Store Link: http://apple.co/1nc5M13

Via: (Engadget)

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