EVO 17: Abigail Joining Street Fighter V, Geese Howard in Tekken 7

EVO 17 Street Fighter V Abigail

EVO 17: the Horn ‘o Plenty of fighting games.

EVO 17’s really paid off for fans this year. You’ve got EX making a comeback. And then you’ve got the announcements from the big companies; Capcom and Bandai Namco.

Capcom announced that Final Fight’s Abigail will be joining fellow Final Fight character Hugo on the roster for Street Fighter V. He looks like he was raised on a steady diet of steroids and bear urine. He’s the fourth of six planned DLC characters for the game, and he comes with his own stage, too. He towers over normal sized characters, too.

Moving on, in a similar move, Fatal Fury’s Geese Howard is joining the Tekken roster as a DLC character. Which is a big deal, considering this is the first time Bandai Namco has collaborated with SNK. Previously that was the sort of ground Capcom played with SNK on.

Is this, like, the best timeline for this kind of stuff, or what?

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