The Evil Within 2 Looks Insane

Games don’t really ever scare me, and while The Evil Within 2 doesn’t do that either, it sure makes me really uncomfortable. The trailer (above) makes my feel weird and I’m not sure hoe to process all of it just yet.

From mastermind Shinji Mikami and the talented team at Tango Gameworks, The Evil Within 2 takes the acclaimed franchise to a new level with its unique blend of psychological thrills and true survival horror.

You are Detective Sebastian Castellanos and at your lowest point. But when given a chance to save your daughter, you must enter a world filled with nightmares and discover the dark origins of a once-idyllic town to bring her back. Horrifying threats emerge from every corner as the world twists and warps around you. Will you face adversity head on with weapons and traps, or sneak through the shadows to survive?

Game Features:

  • STORY OF REDEMPTION. Sebastian must descend into the nightmare to win back his life and family.
  • DISCOVER HORRIFYING DOMAINS.  Explore as far or quickly as you dare through a world where nothing is quite what it seems, though be sure to prepare wisely.
  • CHOOSE HOW TO SURVIVE.  Attack from the shadows with the crossbow, run like hell, or go in guns blazing with very limited ammo.
  • FACE DISTRUBING ENEMIES.  Survive encounters with sadistic enemies and meet characters who may lead – or mislead – you on your path to redemption.
  • VISCERAL HORROR AND SUSPENSE.  Enter a twisted world filled with anxiety-inducing thrills and disturbing horrors around every corner.
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