Evercade launches pre-orders for two new Atri Lynx game carts

Evercade, the pretty sweet handheld retro gaming console that we are happy is doing gangbusters, today announced the next batch of cartridges are available for pre-order: #13 “Atari Lynx Collection 1” with 17 classic games and #14 “Atari Lynx Collection 2” featuring 8 classic games.

The ‘Atari Lynx Collection 1’ cartridge for Evercade includes 17 classic games including Scrapyard Dog, Basketbrawl, Super Asteroids/Missile Command, Awesome Golf, Crystal Mines II: Buried Treasure, Dracula the Undead, Malibu Bikini Volleyball and many more. See for yourself below.

  1. Scrapyard Dog
  2. Basketbrawl
  3. Super Asteroids/Missile Command
  4. Awesome Golf
  5. Crystal Mines II: Buried Treasure
  6. CyberVirus
  7. Dracula the Undead
  8. Gordo 106
  9. Ishido: The Way of Stones
  10. Jimmy Connors Tennis
  11. Loopz
  12. Malibu Bikini Volleyball
  13. MegaPak
  14. Power Factor
  15. Remnant
  16. Super Sqweek
  17. Xump

The ‘Atari Lynx Collection 2’ cartridge for Evercade (with reversible cover) includes 8 classic games including California Games, Chips Challenge, Checkered Flag, Todd’s Adventures in Slimeworld, Electro Cop, Gates of Zendocon, Zarlor Mercenary and Blue Lightning!

  1. California Games
  2. Todd’s Adventures in Slimeworld
  3. Electro Cop
  4. Gates of Zendocon
  5. Zarlor Mercenary
  6. Blue Lightning
  7. Chips Challenge
  8. Checkered Flag

Evercade is a brand-new console that uses its own retro-style game cartridges – giving you a super simple, instant gaming experience – like the good old days. It features a 4.3” screen (the same size as the PSP) and TV output, so you can enjoy retro gaming at home or on the go.

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Evercade have confirmed another (yet announced) cartridge is also in the pipeline and they plan to launch 5-6 cartridges this year alongside the 10 cartridges that are available from launch. They also recently announced that arcade games would be introduced to the console, expanding the potential library for this device even more!

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