Essential Phone gets $200 Price Drop

Essential phone

If you already bought it, you get the difference in credit.

Essential is relatively new to the market. Which means, to make some headway against the entrenched options, the have to make some bold decisions. And one of those decisions is to drop the price of the Essential phone by $200, meaning it’s now $499 off-contract and unlocked.

Essential only debuted a few months ago, too, so it’s difficult to tell where this move places them, cost of production-wise. And while there were a few hiccups with the camera, updates in the meantime have cleared that up. But they certainly seem to be gunning for the top, as well they should.

As for early adopters, Essential is being pretty generous; they are giving out $200 credit to whoever already bought their phone. You can buy another phone to put on your plan with that credit, or even pick up the 360° camera. The latter is interesting, since it locks to your phone magnetically, and transfers data wirelessly to your phone. Indeed, most of Essential’s peripherals seem designed around fewer cords and physical attachments in favor of a uniform connection. All you have to do to get the credit is sign up on Essential’s page using your phone’s IMEI, serial number, and the email you used when purchasing your phone.

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Essential 360 camera

And while the deal is U.S. specific, the affordability is tempting. Especially given the features of other phones currently on the market. Essential may just budge their way into the mainstream sooner than later if they keep this up.

Source: TechCrunch

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