Epic Games Store Finally Adds Mod Support

Epic Games Store

Wow kachow, hot on the heels of those ‘cheevos.

Epic Games Store is adding mod support to their service. And much like their rollout of achievements (which were initially tested in Ark: Survival Evolved), this will be tested on a single game. Specifically, MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries.

Granted, it’s done this way to work out any hitches. But if you own the game, all you need to do is navigate over to the game’s tab, and find the dropdown menu for “Mods”, and you’ll be off and on your way.

MechWarrior 5 devs, Piranha Games highlighted a few of their favorites in their blog post about the news:

  • MechCommander Mercenaries by the MCM Team is a recently-announced and highly ambitious real-time strategy conversion of MW5. A complete genre change like this really speaks to the capabilities and flexibility of making mods for MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries in the Unreal Engine!
  • MW5 Mercs Reloaded by NavidA1, the most prolific creator in the MW5 Modding community, is not just a near ground-up expansion of ‘Mechs and the MechLab, but an ongoing rework of many core systems and a collection of great quality-of-life improvements.
  • MercTech by MagnumForceGB is a comprehensive overhaul of many core mechanics related to ‘Mechs and the MechLab, introducing an array of new weapons, equipment, and features inspired by traditional BattleTech systems and rules.
  • The TableTopRulez Lancemate and Enemy AI Mods by Oraeon1224 are two significant expansions on the AI systems in MW5, bringing greater complexity and visible levels of intelligence to the in-mission AI.
  • The MW5 Mod Compatibility Pack by Sketch is an amazing effort to increase compatibility between disparate Mods, enabling creators to focus their work and coordinate with other creators to unlock even greater potential in their Mods.
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In other news, Epic Games Store still doesn’t have a cart function. And it eats resources like Mr. Creosote.

Source: Gamespot

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